Sunday, January 30, 2011

Beginnings and Introductions

I love to spend my time doing two things: Cooking and being with my husband. A successful meal ends with two bowls of soup. One for me, and one as an advance reward for Husband doing the dishes. I even add a touch more herbs and spices to his as an extra-added bonus. 

Unfortunately, for the next 12 weeks--like the 17 before them--I will cook one bowl of soup 4 nights a week. And the dishes will wait until the weekend. Husband and I live apart during the week while we pursue graduate degrees at different universities. The situation is far from perfect, but we've lived through worse. We began an ocean apart, when he lived in Germany and I subsisted mainly on cereal.

So this blog will chronicle those last twelve weeks.  With a mix of sugar, spice, humor, and a few tears. My goal is to cook not just on weekends, when Husband is here to make his patented "yummy face" (and do the dishes). I hope to share quick weeknight concoctions as well as weekend extravaganzas. Be they served in one bowl or two, I take pride in my cooking--even on the nights when a bag of microwave popcorn and a sleeve of Fig Newtons sound much more appetizing.

As I write this, the odd Sunday when Husband needed to go back to his part-time home early has befallen me, but I am soldiering on. I even went to my dreaded grocery store--amazing for its selection of world foods at amazing prices, horrible for its urban scale (small, with towering aisles) and constant state of restocking--and braved a woman dropping a can of Raid on my foot. But certainly not with a smile.

A pot of potato leek soup is on the stove, and I even did the dishes from yesterday and today. I'd say that's a good start.

So, care to join me? On the nights when I'm solo, the second bowl of soup will happily go to you, dear reader.

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